Monday, February 10, 2014

Playing by Different Rules

I could be immature and say there's a reason Michael Sam led the SEC in sacks because he loved to get after those dudes. Ok that's corny and childish I know, but you don't excell in the best conference in America without exceptional talent . For that reason I'd give him a shot in one of the later rounds. In society we look at that as a black eye on a person and depending on what side of the fence you're on then it's wrong. God's word says it's morally and spiritually wrong but just as well it mentions womanizers, fornicators, and performance enhancing drug users.  People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. How many kids does Antonio Cromartie have out of wed lock. Both are equally bad in the eyes of God. If we accept that, then I guess we can't have a double standard especially under our current Presidential Administration. It is what it is. I personally won't condone it but I can exist with it because Jesus shed his blood for all of mankind and as long as someone of Michael Sam's ilk has life in their body they too can align themselves in the word and live a life of salvation. I know I am far from perfect so I don't condemn anyone for their life style.  As Saints we are to let our light shine so that others see the impact that God has made in our life. Not scold or punish others for what we don't agree on and let's not be selective. No sin is greater than the next. Michael Sam deserves a chance. Should he be appalled if his teammates don't shower in his presence, for obvious reasons I hope not. But if he can do the job at at a high level you only hurt yourself by not employing him. Any team devoid of suffucient talent at his position has no excuse to take a lesser talented player over him. Rest assured the circus will come to town wherever he's at but at the end of the day football is a results oriented business and if he  helps you win games that's all you need him to do for you.