Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Decision 2016

     Tuesday November 8 America will elect the 45th President of the United Stattes.  To say this election season has been a war is being kind. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have both been scrutinized as thoroughly as an accountant going over tax returns. Between Hillary and her email scandal, to Donald and his happy hands. I think for most people here in America have grown weary and dread the fact the fact that these are the last two standing. Let's be honest there is no such thing as a perfect candidate. What we as citizens need to do is to educate ourselves on the policies and see not only what directly affects us. The residual effects of certain policy changes can severely impact a multitude of people. Remember there's two sides to every equation.
     Reducing taxes sounds great in theory, but if it was so simple it would've already been done. But what if that impacts a child getting a meal at night. Or a school having the proper tools to educate our youth.  Romans 12:13, states Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. This is one nation under God, correct.  How about same sex marriages? The Bible speaks defiantly against this.  But your vice may not be that issue. One has to wonder what if Presidents were able to impact if you could have a divorce or not. How would that influence your vote? All in all , just be mindful and think about if certain polices like nationwide pat downs by law enforcement based on suspicion only, would affect someone you know. Would it be worth it? Such divisive acts such as this would really hinder the growth of our nation.
      Both candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are seriously flawed candidates. But we as Americans must hold ourselves accountable for them being in this position. There were other qualified candidates who didn't have as much baggage, but a great many of us chose our candidate, largely for the wrong reasons, now we are stuck in a quandary. We are choosing between the lesser of 2 evils. The irresponsible one or the insensitive one. Most people would say we're screwed either way. But we must remember God is our source, not man. 1 Timothy 2: states, kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. Regardless of who wins we must stand fast and pray for our newly appointed leader, so that he or she may lead this country effectively.
      In the aftermath ,what we all must do is be respectful to one another. We as citizens of this country must come together. In fighting  only weakens us.  Especially with the terror alert we received last week.  Al-Qaeda and ISIS are watching and if we aren't prepared we could suffer some grave consequences. Let's rise above all the manusha and celebrate our 45th president with dignity and let's be thankful for those who fought for the right to vote in our democratic process.  Let's not take this for granted.

Decision 2016

Tuesday November 8 America will elect the 45th President of the United Stattes.  To say this election season has been a war is being kind. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have both been scrutinized as thoroughly as an accountant going over tax returns. Between Hillary and her email scandal, to Donald and his happy hands. I think for most people here in America have grown weary and dread the fact the fact that these are the last two standing. Let's be honest there is no such thing as a perfect candidate. What we as citizens need to do is to educate ourselves on the policies and see not only what directly affects us. The residual effects of certain policy changes can severely impact a multitude of people. Remember there's two sides to every equation.
     Reducing taxes sounds great in theory, but if it was so simple it would've already been done. But what if that impacts a child getting a meal at night. Or a school having the proper tools to educate our youth.  Romans 12:13, states Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. This is one nation under God, correct.  How about same sex marriages? The Bible speaks defiantly against this.  But your vice may not be that issue. One has to wonder what if Presidents were able to impact if you could have a divorce or not. How would that influence your vote? All in all , just be mindful and think about if certain polices like nationwide pat downs by law enforcement based on suspicion only, would affect someone you know. Would it be worth it? Such divisive acts such as this would really hinder the growth of our nation.
      Both candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are seriously flawed candidates. But we as Americans must hold ourselves accountable for them being in this position. There were other qualified candidates who didn't have as much baggage, but a great many of us chose our candidate, largely for the wrong reasons, now we are stuck in a quandary. We are choosing between the lesser of 2 evils. The irresponsible one or the insensitive one. Most people would say we're screwed either way. But we must remember God is our source, not man. 1 Timothy 2: states, kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. Regardless of who wins we must stand fast and pray for our newly appointed leader, so that he or she may lead this country effectively.
      In the aftermath ,what we all must do is be respectful to one another. We as citizens of this country must come together. In fighting  only weakens us.  Especially with the terror alert we received last week.  Al-Qaeda and ISIS are watching and if we aren't prepared we could suffer some grave consequences. Let's rise above all the manusha and celebrate our 45th president with dignity and let's be thankful for those who fought for the right to vote in our democratic process.  Do not take this for granted.

Decision Time

     Tuesday November 8 America will elect the 45th President of the United Stattes.  To say this election season has been a war is being kind. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have both been scrutinized as thoroughly as an accountant going over tax returns. Between Hillary and her email scandal, to Donald and his happy hands. I think for most people here in America have grown weary and dread the fact the fact that these are the last two standing. Let's be honest there is no such thing as a perfect candidate. What we as citizens need to do is to educate ourselves on the policies and see not only what directly affects us. The residual effects of certain policy changes can severely impact a multitude of people. Remember there's two sides to every equation.
     Reducing taxes sounds great in theory, but if it was so simple it would've already been done. But what if that impacts a child getting a meal at night. Or a school having the proper tools to educate our youth.  Romans 12:13, states Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. This is one nation under God, correct.  How about same sex marriages? The Bible speaks defiantly against this.  But your vice may not be that issue. One has to wonder what if Presidents were able to impact if you could have a divorce or not. How would that influence your vote? All in all , just be mindful and think about if certain polices like nationwide pat downs by law enforcement based on suspicion only, would affect someone you know. Would it be worth it? Such divisive acts such as this would really hinder the growth of our nation.
      Both candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are seriously flawed candidates. But we as Americans must hold ourselves accountable for them being in this position. There were other qualified candidates who didn't have as much baggage, but a great many of us chose our candidate, largely for the wrong reasons, now we are stuck in a quandary. We are choosing between the lesser of 2 evils. The irresponsible one or the insensitive one. Most people would say we're screwed either way. But we must remember God is our source, not man. 1 Timothy 2: states, kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. Regardless of who wins we must stand fast and pray for our newly appointed leader, so that he or she may lead this country effectively. 
      In the aftermath ,what we all must do is be respectful to one another. We as citizens of this country must come together. In fighting  only weakens us.  Especially with the terror alert we received last week.  Al-Qaeda and ISIS are watching and if we aren't prepared we could suffer some grave consequences. Let's rise above all the manusha and celebrate our 45th president with dignity and let's be thankful for those who fought for the right to vote in our democratic process.  Let's not take this for granted. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

When is Enough, Enough

Once again,  on our nation's birthday, there was a senseless killing of a citizen by the hands of a law enforcement officer. To say this matter is getting old is like a flood victim saying that they are tired of seeing rain and wondering if the sun will shine again. It is very disparaging seeing another family on national television having to fight back tears over something so heinous and avoidable. Every time we get the same story. The cop feared for their life, the perpetrator reached for their  weapon,  etc. When upon video surveillance or other video it appears that the person has been subdued and no longer a threat to the officer.
    I get it, their lives are precious too. But just like on my job if I make an egregious error I am punished, or at worst, terminated. Most of the time these cops get a slap on the wrist. Those acts without any serious consequences for the officers involved has lead to chaos and   social unrest amongst many citizens in this country.
    America is the greatest country on this earth , land of the free and home of the brave, but it appears that comes with certain requirements. Some of which some folks will never comply with due to their pigmentation. The rules are different, anyone who says otherwise is being delusional. Watch the general response to the lady whose child fell into the Gorilla enclosure and the family in Orlando at the Disney Resort whose child was killed by a gator. Both were examples of poor parenting,  one was crucified and the other was seen as more of a sympathy figure , granted, the child was killed by the gator. While the kid that fell in the Gorilla  enclosure was only roughed up a little. But the vitriol spilled towards one over the other was not close. It just baffles me that in 2016 we still have these issues with equality.  We live in a country where a 12 year kid can't play with a BB gun in a park and a man can't shop in a Walmart with a toy weapon across his body because of his pigmentation. This is sad but true.
      How can this madness end ? 1st we must examine ourselves for what we are doing wrong. Boys in the Hood is not just a John Singleton movie, but it is real life for some people here in the US. In Chicago even with the extra patrols, five people were shot to death and 61 others were wounded between 3 p.m. Friday and 6 a.m. Tuesday of the 4th of the July 4th weekend, according to statistics kept by the Chicago Tribune. That's not by cops people. That's by your own people. Black on black murders are more prevalent than cop killings of black men,  and I believe to some degree this plays a part into cops believing black men are all killers. In order to fix this epidemic we must hold ourselves accountable. I'm being honest with you, there are certain places in Houston,  TX  you won't find me at after a certain time and I'm a black man.  The problem is that some of these kids are being reared to be the Drug Lord instead of a Pharmacist. A crook instead of a lawyer. A gangster instead of a boxer. They have the belief there's no way out except by the ways of criminal activity  when with God all things are possible. But this endless cycle of futility feeds into the belief that black men are menaces to society and that no good comes from them. So cops taking out black men whether justifiably or not, is always a positive result in their eyes. Just like an 8 point deer they are wild game. Only they get toe tagged.
     How else can we justify Dylan Roof killing 9 churchgoers at a bible study and being taken to Burger King by authorities knowing he was armed and just murdered 9 church members during their weekly  bible study. All the while Tamir Rice and John Crawford got killed on the spot for just posessing toy BB guns. 
     This is supposed to be a land of equality. From recent accounts it's not. See https://www.rawstory.com/2016/07/here-are-8-white-people-who-pointed-guns-at-police-officers-and-didnt-get-killed. Let it be known that there have been situations where cops have been killed and they do have right to protect themselves but the recurring theme is that they use far more restraint when dealing with non-blacks. It appears that those lives matter unlike those of blacks. Hence the reason for #blacklivesmatter.
     Now where do we go from here?  When celebrities such as Jesse Williams use their platform to make light of such egregious acts, people seem as though they are race baiting. But it says alot to stand up for a cause knowing that you are a rich and successful actor,  who can just live in his fairy tale life and ignore this new age Jim Crow treatment all the while risking his career. It sounds comical. But I am expecting to see a book any day now titled "How to be a Black Man and not get Shot and Killed by Cops, for Dummies".  I'm not being facetious, but this is a major problem. People must be educated on how to respond to interactions with cops. The problem I think a lot of guys have is showing respect to those in authority. They been reared to have disdain for the police for obvious reasons . In retrospect this makes you no better than a bigoted cop or racist. Love your neighbor. That's how we win this battle. There is a certain amount of decorum you can display that can help neutralize your interactions with cops. Have a healthy respect for their position. Realize that some battles aren't worth dieing for. God gives us discernment, we must really apply that principle when confronted with anyone who has a weapon that can seriously hurt or kill you.
       As I mentioned earlier we also must get away from portraying ourselves as hard core, and thug life. Why? I'd rather live in an area where there is harmony and low crime, than one with constant drama and chaos. But there are another set of  issues dealing with that. When you are driving a nice vehicle in a well to do area you are looked upon as if you don't belong. Cops constantly follow you because you can't possibly afford the car you drive and think it must be stolen. Or as a friend of mine told a story of him doing yard work at his own home, and being asked by a fellow neighbor how much he charged to mow his lawn. Thinking all along surely a black man can't afford to live here. But this is modern day America. The same America that stands staunchly behind that 2nd Amendment right to bear arms only to see a cop slaughter an American citizen just because he exercised his right to bear arms. The same America who said if the club goers in Orlando were packing , they would have deterred the killer from murdering so many. Let me ask you? What are those gangs in Chicago using? Guns. Are they stopping any of the gang activity that's going on today. No. What about the shootout in Waco,Texas last year. Very few people mention how out of hand that got. Gang activity is prevalent among people of all ethnicities but only blacks are treated as savages. 
      Cops must not assume all people of a certain demographic are the same. Making assumptions leads to misinterpretation. You must get to know a person before you pass judgement. These cops need to not make such hasty decisions because of what they believe a stereotypical black man is. Most black men I know fall for a lady with a big butt and a smile. But they are also law abiding citizens who are out to just make an honest living like most other people. Not all cops are bad, some give you directions when you're lost, help you get your car out of traffic if you break down, and some do actually help protect you from bad guys. But some assume we are all thugs, we all are killers. How about giving blacks the benefit of a doubt as other ethnic groups? By murdering blacks all you are doing is continuing the cycle of broken homes. Eliminating the father figures who help mold these kids. This is what creates the thug that cops are afraid of. The kids look to the local dope man for direction on how to be a man. 
    Violent retaliation against cops is not the answer either. We must learn to fight in the judicial system. Proverbs 15:18  Reads, A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, but he who is slow to anger quiets contention.  People on both sides of this matter must do a better job of controlling their emotions. Remember cooler heads prevail.
      Yes Blue lives matter, and All lives matter. How about having Black lives matter just as much. God created us all equal. The Vanderbilt football player who raped an unconscious women got 15 years in prison. The Stanford swimmer guilty of the same crime got 3 months because he's not fit for prison. Are you kidding me.  Have you heard of OJ Simpson, Michael Vick, and Jared from Subway they were affluent at the time of their convictions and have and in OJ and Jared's case, are serving time in prison. An even bigger slap in the face was Ricky Jackson who was wrongfully convicted of a murder and was released from prison after serving 39 years receiving a mere 1.3 million dollars. While a popular sideline reporter,  formally of ESPN and now with FOX , Erin Andrews received 52 million dollars  because a man recorded her changing in her hotel room during her time working college football games for ESPN.That really damaged her career. She is now on FOX's number 1 NFL broadcast team. Now you tell me which one was more of an injustice. If all lives mattered there wouldn't be such a huge disparity in regards to issues like these.  We need to PUSH. Pray Until Something Happens. Otherwise these poignant episodes will continue to doom our proud nation. Get it together America.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Enough Already

   Once again,  on our nation's birthday, there was a senseless killing of a citizen by the hands of a law enforcement officer. To say this matter is getting old is like a flood victim saying that they are tired of seeing rain and wondering if the sun will shine again. It is very disparaging seeing another family on national television having to fight back tears over something so heinous and avoidable. Every time we get the same story. The cop feared for their life, the perpetrator reached for their  weapon,  etc. When upon video surveillance or other video it appears that the person has been subdued and no longer a threat to the officer.
    I get it, their lives are precious too. But just like on my job if I make an egregious error I am punished, or at worst, terminated. Most of the time these cops get a slap on the wrist. Those acts without any serious consequences for the officers involved has lead to chaos and   social unrest amongst many citizens in this country.
    America is the greatest country on this earth , land of the free and home of the brave, but it appears that comes with certain requirements. Some of which some folks will never comply with due to their pigmentation. The rules are different, anyone who says otherwise is being delusional. Watch the general response to the lady whose child fell into the Gorilla enclosure and the family in Orlando at the Disney Resort whose child was killed by a gator. Both were examples of poor parenting,  one was crucified and the other was seen as more of a sympathy figure , granted, the child was killed by the gator. While the kid that fell in the Gorilla  enclosure was only roughed up a little. But the vitriol spilled towards one over the other was not close. It just baffles me that in 2016 we still have these issues with equality.  We live in a country where a 12 year kid can't play with a BB gun in a park and a man can't shop in a Walmart with a toy weapon across his body because of his pigmentation. This is sad but true.
      How can this madness end ? 1st we must examine ourselves for what we are doing wrong. Boys in the Hood is not just a John Singleton movie, but it is real life for some people here in the US. In Chicago even with the extra patrols, five people were shot to death and 61 others were wounded between 3 p.m. Friday and 6 a.m. Tuesday of the 4th of the July 4th weekend, according to statistics kept by the Chicago Tribune. That's not by cops people. That's by your own people. Black on black murders are more prevalent than cop killings of black men,  and I believe to some degree this plays a part into cops believing black men are all killers. In order to fix this epidemic we must hold ourselves accountable. I'm being honest with you, there are certain places in Houston,  TX  you won't find me at after a certain time and I'm a black man.  The problem is that some of these kids are being reared to be the Drug Lord instead of a Pharmacist. A crook instead of a lawyer. A gangster instead of a boxer. They have the belief there's no way out except by the ways of criminal activity  when with God all things are possible. But this endless cycle of futility feeds into the belief that black men are menaces to society and that no good comes from them. So cops taking out black men whether justifiably or not, is always a positive result in their eyes. Just like an 8 point deer they are wild game. Only they get toe tagged.
     How else can we justify Dylan Roof killing 9 churchgoers at a bible study and being taken to Burger King by authorities knowing he was armed and just murdered 9 church members during their weekly  bible study. All the while Tamir Rice and John Crawford got killed on the spot for just posessing toy BB guns. 
     This is supposed to be a land of equality. From recent accounts it's not. See https://www.rawstory.com/2016/07/here-are-8-white-people-who-pointed-guns-at-police-officers-and-didnt-get-killed. Let it be known that there have been situations where cops have been killed and they do have right to protect themselves but the recurring theme is that they use far more restraint when dealing with non-blacks. It appears that those lives matter unlike those of blacks. Hence the reason for #blacklivesmatter.
     Now where do we go from here?  When celebrities such as Jesse Williams use their platform to make light of such egregious acts, people seem as though they are race baiting. But it says alot to stand up for a cause knowing that you are a rich and successful actor,  who can just live in his fairy tale life and ignore this new age Jim Crow treatment all the while risking his career. It sounds comical. But I am expecting to see a book any day now titled "How to be a Black Man and not get Shot and Killed by Cops, for Dummies".  I'm not being facetious, but this is a major problem. People must be educated on how to respond to interactions with cops. The problem I think a lot of guys have is showing respect to those in authority. They been reared to have disdain for the police for obvious reasons . In retrospect this makes you no better than a bigoted cop or racist. Love your neighbor. That's how we win this battle. There is a certain amount of decorum you can display that can help neutralize your interactions with cops. Have a healthy respect for their position. Realize that some battles aren't worth dieing for. God gives us discernment, we must really apply that principle when confronted with anyone who has a weapon that can seriously hurt or kill you.
       As I mentioned earlier we also must get away from portraying ourselves as hard core, and thug life. Why? I'd rather live in an area where there is harmony and low crime, than one with constant drama and chaos. But there are another set of  issues dealing with that. When you are driving a nice vehicle in a well to do area you are looked upon as if you don't belong. Cops constantly follow you because you can't possibly afford the car you drive and think it must be stolen. Or as a friend of mine told a story of him doing yard work at his own home, and being asked by a fellow neighbor how much he charged to mow his lawn. Thinking all along surely a black man can't afford to live here. But this is modern day America. The same America that stands staunchly behind that 2nd Amendment right to bear arms only to see a cop slaughter an American citizen just because he exercised his right to bear arms. The same America who said if the club goers in Orlando were packing , they would have deterred the killer from murdering so many. Let me ask you? What are those gangs in Chicago using? Guns. Are they stopping any of the gang activity that's going on today. No. What about the shootout in Waco,Texas last year. Very few people mention how out of hand that got. Gang activity is prevalent among people of all ethnicities but only blacks are treated as savages. 
      Cops must not assume all people of a certain demographic are the same. Making assumptions leads to misinterpretation. You must get to know a person before you pass judgement. These cops need to not make such hasty decisions because of what they believe a stereotypical black man is. Most black men I know fall for a lady with a big butt and a smile. But they are also law abiding citizens who are out to just make an honest living like most other people. Not all cops are bad, some give you directions when you're lost, help you get your car out of traffic if you break down, and some do actually help protect you from bad guys. But some assume we are all thugs, we all are killers. How about giving blacks the benefit of a doubt as other ethnic groups? By murdering blacks all you are doing is continuing the cycle of broken homes. Eliminating the father figures who help mold these kids. This is what creates the thug that cops are afraid of. The kids look to the local dope man for direction on how to be a man. 
    Violent retaliation against cops is not the answer either. We must learn to fight in the judicial system. Proverbs 15:18  Reads, A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, but he who is slow to anger quiets contention.  People on both sides of this matter must do a better job of controlling their emotions. Remember cooler heads prevail.
      Yes Blue lives matter, and All lives matter. How about having Black lives matter just as much. God created us all equal. The Vanderbilt football player who raped an unconscious women got 15 years in prison. The Stanford swimmer guilty of the same crime got 3 months because he's not fit for prison. Are you kidding me.  Have you heard of OJ Simpson, Michael Vick, and Jared from Subway they were affluent at the time of their convictions and have and in OJ and Jared's case, are serving time in prison. An even bigger slap in the face was Ricky Jackson who was wrongfully convicted of a murder and was released from prison after serving 39 years receiving a mere 1.3 million dollars. While a popular sideline reporter,  formally of ESPN and now with FOX , Erin Andrews received 52 million dollars  because a man recorded her changing in her hotel room during her time working college football games for ESPN.That really damaged her career. She is now on FOX's number 1 NFL broadcast team. Now you tell me which one was more of an injustice. If all lives mattered there wouldn't be such a huge disparity in regards to issues like these.  We need to PUSH. Pray Until Something Happens. Otherwise these poignant episodes will continue to doom our proud nation. Get it together America.