Picture it , Sicily 1948. Ok, that's a little Golden Girls humor. But I figure, I might as well be a little light hearted because of so much contention and discord in modern day America. Even Shonda Rhimes couldn't come up with a script as entertaining as the real life scandals going on in the White House. We have a reality TV star as the President. Only in America , right. Everyday at town halls across the country in areas that 45 aka, President Trump, won overwhelmingly. Lawmakers are being taken to task over this healthcare reform bill that will supplant Obamacare. But for as much drama this has caused. One of America's most heinous and darkest issues continues to rear it's ugly head. Cops killing innocent citizens , most notably, black males without any repercussions.
Comedian Dave Chappell once told a joke referencing why do those Foreign terrorist groups never capture Black Americans and use them for their intimidation tactics up to and including beheadings. Now personally I'm not one to volunteer for that type of assignment, but he does make a good point. Do they perceive us as Black Americans, to be less valued in our country than other other ethnic groups? Does it hurt Americans less to see a black person killed? How about on June 12, 2016 the day of the Orlando, Florida, Gay nightclub shooting. Two of the survivors mentioned that the shooter ,Omar Matteen, shouted thru the locked bathroom door "That if you are black I won't shoot you. You guys have suffered enough". Despite his "generosity" the two witnesses wisely stayed in place. The events of that night were horrifying, and ultimately Mateen was put down and justifiably so. But it does make you wonder about how we are perceived.
Last fall, then San Francisco 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick was ridiculed for not standing for the American flag prior to the start of NFL games. His reasoning was due to lack of suitable punishment for cops who wrongfully assassinate innocent people, especially those of color. Also in regards to the Presidential election he felt neither candidate put much effort into pushing this agenda. Being in California, a staunch Democratic State. His vote was largely irrelevant due to the antiquated system known as the Electoral College. But that's another issue. Unfortunately his message got lost because people conveniently ignored it. Instead they lambasted him for his approach. But tell me what effective protest doesn't make some people feel uncomfortable?
Believing that no man should have a right to kill a person without repercussions when the victim has done nothing wrong in that moment is blasphemous. Of course there is the ensuing character assassination, to "somewhat" make some people feel the killing was justified. But as witnessed on May 17th , 2017. America still accepts cop killings. The latest example, Officer Betty Shelby was cleared of her manslaughter charge for killing Terrence Crutcher. The whole ordeal was caught on camera and still there was no conviction. All before, with the Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown cases , all we had was here say, nothing was a slam dunk, no confirmed eyewitness accounts or concrete evidence. So this one should have been a slam dunk, right. No. Fortunately there was a recent conviction of a cop killing in 2015. An eyewitness taped N. Charleston cop, Michael Slager shooting Walter Scott as Scott attempted to run away during a traffic stop. Yes he should not have ran, but he had a warrant for back child support and didn't want to go jail. Officer Slager ensured that mom won't get child ever again. Was the punishment worth the crime? If not for the video, Slager would almost certainly be free, since his account was a whole different story and was nothing like the evidence showed. Of course a jury of "his" peers would've let him off and he would go on with his life. Fabricating the truth just enough to stay out of trouble is taught on the first day of Police Academy .
Seriously , lets not forget the fact that innocent human beings are being killed, families are being broken, lives are being altered. All some people care about is character assassination or justification for these murders. My thought is, if someone is selling cigarettes illegally does that equate to being killed? I don't care about their prior offenses. If nothing illegal is going on at that moment and it doesn't threaten your life. Why take their's? Don't slaughter us unnecessarily, we aren't like deer or any other wild game, are we? Or is that how some people portray us to be. If someone of another ethnicity was suspected of doing the same act would cops react the same?
Why do proponents of #bluelivesmatter try to justify the reason someone has loss their life. They feel that the cop is always right. Aren't they are paid to protect and serve "all" citizens. If a crime was committed by me at least let me get my day in court, unless you unequivocally, without a doubt, had to kill me. Surely if Dylan Roof can knowlingly kill 9 parishioners in a church, and get taken to Burger King afterwards, I can expect the same treatment too, except take me to Whataburger. My point is protect us, don't just kill us and concoct bogus stories to get out of being punished for your screwup. If I mess up on my job , depending on the severity of of the incident, I can be fired.
This is mind boggling how in our, "Christian" society, some people care more about a police dog than a fellow human being. Kill a police dog, you get 40 years. By contrast a cop kills an unarmed black man and they get an endless amount of money in their Go Fund me account . To me there's something seriously wrong with that picture. The fact that an animal is held in higher regard than a person is really appalling.
But I have faith in God that these atrocities will one day be an afterthought. That only happens if we truely do matter. I'm not talking about LeBron James, Beyonce, or Denzel Washington. You shouldn't just care about only those folks that entertain you. If you really cared for them, when they voiced their opinion you would respect their thoughts and not say, "stick to playing basketball", you're no politician " so on and so forth. When folks got on social media complaining about Colin Kaepernick speaking out against social injustice. It showed their ignorance and what they view him as. He is a person first and foremost. Just like you he has an opinion and because of free speech and the fact he lives in the greatest country in the world he's entitled to it. After all the commotion started by Colin we still see the same results. So I ask this in closing , will we continue to die as martyrs? Or will "All Lives Matter" once and for all.
Comedian Dave Chappell once told a joke referencing why do those Foreign terrorist groups never capture Black Americans and use them for their intimidation tactics up to and including beheadings. Now personally I'm not one to volunteer for that type of assignment, but he does make a good point. Do they perceive us as Black Americans, to be less valued in our country than other other ethnic groups? Does it hurt Americans less to see a black person killed? How about on June 12, 2016 the day of the Orlando, Florida, Gay nightclub shooting. Two of the survivors mentioned that the shooter ,Omar Matteen, shouted thru the locked bathroom door "That if you are black I won't shoot you. You guys have suffered enough". Despite his "generosity" the two witnesses wisely stayed in place. The events of that night were horrifying, and ultimately Mateen was put down and justifiably so. But it does make you wonder about how we are perceived.
Last fall, then San Francisco 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick was ridiculed for not standing for the American flag prior to the start of NFL games. His reasoning was due to lack of suitable punishment for cops who wrongfully assassinate innocent people, especially those of color. Also in regards to the Presidential election he felt neither candidate put much effort into pushing this agenda. Being in California, a staunch Democratic State. His vote was largely irrelevant due to the antiquated system known as the Electoral College. But that's another issue. Unfortunately his message got lost because people conveniently ignored it. Instead they lambasted him for his approach. But tell me what effective protest doesn't make some people feel uncomfortable?
Believing that no man should have a right to kill a person without repercussions when the victim has done nothing wrong in that moment is blasphemous. Of course there is the ensuing character assassination, to "somewhat" make some people feel the killing was justified. But as witnessed on May 17th , 2017. America still accepts cop killings. The latest example, Officer Betty Shelby was cleared of her manslaughter charge for killing Terrence Crutcher. The whole ordeal was caught on camera and still there was no conviction. All before, with the Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown cases , all we had was here say, nothing was a slam dunk, no confirmed eyewitness accounts or concrete evidence. So this one should have been a slam dunk, right. No. Fortunately there was a recent conviction of a cop killing in 2015. An eyewitness taped N. Charleston cop, Michael Slager shooting Walter Scott as Scott attempted to run away during a traffic stop. Yes he should not have ran, but he had a warrant for back child support and didn't want to go jail. Officer Slager ensured that mom won't get child ever again. Was the punishment worth the crime? If not for the video, Slager would almost certainly be free, since his account was a whole different story and was nothing like the evidence showed. Of course a jury of "his" peers would've let him off and he would go on with his life. Fabricating the truth just enough to stay out of trouble is taught on the first day of Police Academy .
Seriously , lets not forget the fact that innocent human beings are being killed, families are being broken, lives are being altered. All some people care about is character assassination or justification for these murders. My thought is, if someone is selling cigarettes illegally does that equate to being killed? I don't care about their prior offenses. If nothing illegal is going on at that moment and it doesn't threaten your life. Why take their's? Don't slaughter us unnecessarily, we aren't like deer or any other wild game, are we? Or is that how some people portray us to be. If someone of another ethnicity was suspected of doing the same act would cops react the same?
Why do proponents of #bluelivesmatter try to justify the reason someone has loss their life. They feel that the cop is always right. Aren't they are paid to protect and serve "all" citizens. If a crime was committed by me at least let me get my day in court, unless you unequivocally, without a doubt, had to kill me. Surely if Dylan Roof can knowlingly kill 9 parishioners in a church, and get taken to Burger King afterwards, I can expect the same treatment too, except take me to Whataburger. My point is protect us, don't just kill us and concoct bogus stories to get out of being punished for your screwup. If I mess up on my job , depending on the severity of of the incident, I can be fired.
This is mind boggling how in our, "Christian" society, some people care more about a police dog than a fellow human being. Kill a police dog, you get 40 years. By contrast a cop kills an unarmed black man and they get an endless amount of money in their Go Fund me account . To me there's something seriously wrong with that picture. The fact that an animal is held in higher regard than a person is really appalling.
But I have faith in God that these atrocities will one day be an afterthought. That only happens if we truely do matter. I'm not talking about LeBron James, Beyonce, or Denzel Washington. You shouldn't just care about only those folks that entertain you. If you really cared for them, when they voiced their opinion you would respect their thoughts and not say, "stick to playing basketball", you're no politician " so on and so forth. When folks got on social media complaining about Colin Kaepernick speaking out against social injustice. It showed their ignorance and what they view him as. He is a person first and foremost. Just like you he has an opinion and because of free speech and the fact he lives in the greatest country in the world he's entitled to it. After all the commotion started by Colin we still see the same results. So I ask this in closing , will we continue to die as martyrs? Or will "All Lives Matter" once and for all.